dear readers,

i am ecuador-bound. for three weeks.

this will be my longest break from the detail collector. (i’m going to attempt to keep up the practice analog-style. how or when these details will get sifted into the digital world, i am unsure of.)

during this digital absence, i can only hope you’ll be out there collecting your own details.

x and o from under the same sky,


a link to a little bit about the struggle against the oil companies invading the ecuadorian amazon.
and an image for feasting:

800px-VilcabambaEcuador(vilacabamba, ecuador)

2 Replies to “”

  1. The kind of love that I was interested in, that my characters long for intuitively, is the only kind of love that could liberate them from that horrible legacy of colonial violence. I am speaking about decolonial love…
    Is it possible to overcome the horrible legacy of slavery and find decolonial love? Is it possible to love one’s broken-by-the-coloniality-of-power self in another broken-by-the-coloniality-of-power person?

    Junot Díaz in Boston Magazine, but I read it in the front pages of Leanne Simpson’s Decolonial Love. Seems like a frantelopic detail.

    Ecuador! Cuidate

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