international pizza delivery

1. assigning numbers
to physical pain
percentages especially
(the 1-10 scale of pain
i prefer)
is its own minor form of

2. how a ramp in the pavement
could undo me
(we were good
at scouring this city
and one time we walked
for calibri coffee meetup
or were nightwandering
something at 30th and university where you explained
how they had to run some kind of pipe under the pavement ramp
connecting sidewalk to street
so the gutter
could still carry on
as a gutter)

3. a sky
for the people of portland
(and if the media says 4,000
there must have been at least 5 or 6
which is not quite the 20 that were reported several months into
the iraq war)
and tomorrow
san diego follows suit

4. from union and market
bowls of hummus in our hands and
hugging a human-sized pillow of
tortilla chips

5. at least a hundred people gathered in the nightcool
of san diego
some of whom
have never been a part of a concensus-based decision-making process before
hammering it out

6. some organizer boy
walks away in the middle of my sentence
as if i was never talking
which means
i have noted this
and will give you the time if you ask
but otherwise
i am uninvested
and it amazes me
how quickly this happens
how big of a bound
he will have to make
to overturn this judgement

7. someone mentions how
the folks at the wall street occupation
received pizza deliveries
bought for them by
people in egypt